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Writer's pictureKim Jackson

Into The Light

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Into The Light - Samuel's Bridge Devotional

This week we will focus on judgments toward others that can manifest from blind spots within us. We will seek clarity of heart through Spirit and Truth. Read this verse a couple of times:

“Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

The more time we spend in God’s presence, the more we are captivated by His goodness to bring forth our destiny in giving and receiving His love.

“Judgmental people have not been captivated by goodness. They demonstrate their lack of “Presence” in their negativity toward others.” ~ Graham Cooke

So, what is a blind spot?

A blind spot is something about yourself and/or your actions that you don’t see clearly or are afraid to acknowledge. Blind spots are like interior fault lines in the soul.

They are placed deep in the heart where lies, fears, or hurts are buried.

Blind spots surface out of a lack of self-awareness or simply a gap in information.

When we are moved into new challenges and pressures from the outside, it can cause shaking on the inside. This shaking can move us toward Christ in a “faith mode” of discovery and restoration(This mode nourishes connection with others) or toward self-reliance in an “escape mode” (moving away from intimacy with Christ). We can feel our personal tension and yet be blind to our inner needs. So we sometimes project judgment or blame on others and try to “fix” them. Judgment produces negative energy even if we don’t verbalize it. It can impede our purpose and productivity for the kingdom.

Let’s focus on Jesus‘s words in the below passage, asking the Holy Spirit to teach us about our blindspots and our judgments. Jesus knows everything in your heart/mind (even the stuff that is hidden from you). He reveals hidden things to us when we seek Him. He brings our blindspots into the light.

“Refuse to be a critic full of bias toward others, and judgment will not be passed on you. For you’ll be judged by the same standard that you’ve used to judge others. The measurement you use on them will be used on you. Why would you focus on the flaw in someone else’s life and yet fail to notice the glaring flaws of your own? How could you say to your friend, ‘Let me show you where you’re wrong,’ when you’re guilty of even more? You’re being hypercritical and a hypocrite! First, acknowledge your own ‘blind spots’ and deal with them, and then you’ll be capable of dealing with the ‘blind spot’ of your friend.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:1-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Deeper dive: (I have watched this video at least 20 times over the last 2 years).

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